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In all of our 60 offices around the world, we are committed to cultivating a work environment where Googlers can be themselves and thrive. Legalise Love is our call to decriminalise homosexuality and eliminate homophobia around the world.Īt Google, we encourage people to bring their whole selves to work. We are proud to be recognised as a leader in LGBT inclusion efforts, but there is still a long way to go to achieve full equality.

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Though our business and employees are located in offices around the world, our policies on non-discrimination are universal throughout Google. Google later clarified the aims of its campaign to the Washington Post: And we are also having to support staff in those countries in terms of relationships with the government and homophobia they are experiencing outside of the office,' he added. 'Conversely we have had to move people out of countries where they have been experiencing homophobia to a different location. He noted during the panel discussion at the LGBT summit that Google and its mobile workforce operate in dozens of countries - but claimed that the company had been unable to place employees in certain nations due to the restrictions in place regarding homosexuality.

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